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Product sale elements

Product sale elements loop lists product sale elements from your shop. You may need to use the attribute combination loop inside your product sale elements loop.
{loop type="product_sale_elements" name="the-loop-name" [argument="value"], [...]}


currencyA currency idcurrency="1"
defaultA boolean value. If true, returns only the default product sale elements. If false, the default product sale element is not returneddefault="yes"
idA comma separated list of product sale elements id. Mandatory if the 'product' parameter is not presentid="1,3,8"
newA boolean value. If true, returns only product sale elements for which promo is on. The reverse with 'false'new="yes"
orderA list of values see sorting possible valuesrandomorder="promo,min_price"
productA single product id. Mandatory if the 'id' parameter is not presentproduct="2"
promoA boolean value. If true, returns only product sale elements for which new is on. The reverse with 'false'promo="yes"
visibleA boolean value, or * (the default) for ignoring this filter*visible="no"

Plus the global arguments and search arguments


$EAN_CODEthe product sale element EAN Code
$IDthe product sale element id
$IS_DEFAULTreturns if the product sale element is the default product sale element for the product
$IS_NEWreturns if the product sale element is new
$IS_PROMOreturns if the product sale element is in promo
$PRICEthe product sale element price
$PRICE_TAXthe product sale element price tax
$PRODUCT_IDthe related product id
$PROMO_PRICEthe product sale element promo price
$PROMO_PRICE_TAXthe product sale element promo price tax
$QUANTITYthe product sale element stock quantity
$REFthe product sale element reference
$TAXED_PRICEthe product sale element taxed price
$TAXED_PROMO_PRICEthe product sale element taxed promo price
$WEIGHTthe product sale element weight

Plus the global outputs


I want to display all products sale elements for current product and show all the attribute combinations which matched it.

{loop name="pse" type="product_sale_elements" product="$PRODUCT_ID"}
{loop name="combi" type="attribute_combination" product_sale_elements="$ID"}
<br />{$WEIGHT} g
<br /><strong>{if $IS_PROMO == 1} {$PROMO_PRICE} € (instead of {$PRICE}) {else} {$PRICE}{/if}</strong>
<br /><br />
{for $will=1 to $QUANTITY}
to my cart

Order possible values


Ascending valueDescending valueSorted fields
newnew products first
promopromo products first