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Order address

Order address loop displays order addresses information.
{loop type="order_address" name="the-loop-name" [argument="value"], [...]}


id *A single order address idid="2"

Plus the global arguments


$ADDRESS1the first order address line
$ADDRESS2the second order address line
$ADDRESS3the third order address line
$CELLPHONEthe order address cellphone
$CITYthe order address city
$COMPANYthe order address company
$COUNTRYthe order address country which might be use in country loop
$FIRSTNAMEthe order address firstname
$IDthe order address id
$LASTNAMEthe order address lastname
$PHONEthe order address phone
$TITLEthe order address title which might be use in title loop
$ZIPCODEthe order address zipcode

Plus the global outputs