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Loops are the most convenient feature in Thelia for front developers.
Loops allow to get data from your shop back-end and display them in your front view. In Thelia loops are a Smarty plugin.

Classic loop

Here is a piece of html code which intends to list 4 random products from your shop.

<div class="product-block">
PRODUCT 0 (ref : 0535233)<br />
The ideal product to have fun.<br />
<strong>Afford it for 70 €</strong>
<div class="product-block">
PRODUCT 1 (ref : 1245152)<br />
A very beautiful product to make you happy.<br />
<strong>Afford it for only 10 € (instead of 100) !</strong>
<div class="product-block">
PRODUCT 2 (ref : 9437252)<br />
A perfect product to procrastinate.<br />
<strong>Afford it for 20 €</strong>
<div class="product-block">
PRODUCT 4 (ref : 3566236)<br />
The product which will change your life.<br />
<strong>Afford it for only 1 000 € (instead of 1 000 000) !</strong>

How to make this piece of code dynamic ? Gathering the products you set up in your Thelia back-office ?

Just use a Thelia product loop :

{loop type="product" name="my_product_loop" limit="4" order="random"}
<div class="product-block">
{$TITLE} (ref : {$REF})<br />
{if $IS_PROMO == 1}
Afford it for only {$PROMO_PRICE} € (instead of {$PRICE}) !
Afford it for {$PRICE}

And what if you want only the products you tagged as new ? And which are from category 3 and 5 ? And whose price is at least 100 € ?

No problem ! Here you are :

{loop type="product" name="my_product_loop" limit="4" order="random" new="true" category="3,5" min_price="100"}
<div class="product-block">

You can of course use a loop into another loop and pass a loop output to another loop parameter

{loop type="category" name="my_category_loop"}
{loop type="product" name="my_product_loop" category="{$ID}"}
<div class="product-block">

Thelia provides a lot of loop types. You can see all the loops and their parameters / outputs in the Loops sidebar menu.

Conditional loop

Conditional loops are used to define a different behaviour depending on whether a classic loop displays something or not.

A conditional loop is therefore linked to a classic loop using the rel attribute which must match a classic loop name attribute.

For example, you want to display all the associated content of a product in an unorder list (ul). If the product has no associated contents you won't display empty <ul></ul>. And you want a message to inform there is no available content. You can use a conditional loop to do this.

{ifloop rel="my_associated_content_loop"}
Associated contents for this product :
{loop type="associated_content" name="my_associated_content_loop" product="12"}
<a href="{$URL}">{$TITLE}</a>
{elseloop rel="my_associated_content_loop"}
No associated content for this product

Page loop

Page loops can be use on any classic loop which has page parameter. Page loops list all the pages the classic loop needs to display all it's returns.

A page loop is therefore linked to a classic loop using the rel attribute which must match a classic loop name attribute.

By default, 10 pages are displayed. You can change this value using limit parameter.

List of output parameters :

$PAGECurrent page number. This value is equal to the ```page``` loop parameter.
$ENDThe last displayed page number
$CURRENTon each loop, this value is incremented. So it's started with the $PAGE value and end with the $END value
$LASTMax page number. If a loop generates 761 pages, the value of $LAST is 761
$PREVprevious page number. This value is always $PAGE-1 if $PAGE is greater than 1. The value is 1 therefore
$NEXTnext page number. This value is always $PAGE+1 if $PAGE is less than $LAST. The value is $LAST therefore
<div class="text-center">
<ul class="pagination pagination-centered">
{pageloop rel="customer_list" limit="20"}
{if $PAGE == $CURRENT && $PAGE > 2}
<li><a href="{url path="/admin/customers" page=$PREV}">&lsaquo;</a></li>

{if $PAGE != $CURRENT}
<li><a href="{url path="/admin/customers" page="{$PAGE}"}">{$PAGE}</a></li>

<li class="active"><a href="#">{$PAGE}</a></li>

{if $PAGE == $END && $PAGE < $LAST}
<li><a href="{url path="/admin/customers" page=$NEXT}">&rsaquo;</a></li>

Implement your loops

Your loop can be anywhere (Thanks to namespace) in your module, but it's better to create a Loop directory and put all your loops in this directory.

The only thing to do is create a new class that to extend the Thelia\Core\Template\Element\BaseLoop class and implement one of these interfaces :

  • Thelia\Core\Template\Element\ArraySearchLoopInterface for an Array loop
  • Thelia\Core\Template\Element\PropelSearchLoopInterface for a Propel loop.

NB : Instead of BaseLoop you can also extend BaseI18nLoop. This will provide tools to manage i18n in your loop.

The type of your loop will be the class name in snake_case for example the type of MyLoop.php will be my_loop
So to call it in template {loop type="my_loop" name="a_loop_name"}{/loop}

Array loop

If data in your loop doesn't come directly from a model, use an array loop.
3 functions must be implemented :

  • getArgDefinitions to describe what arguments are available for your loop
  • buildArray who gather the data for the defined parameters
  • parseResults to assign data to smarty variables for each loop iteration
namespace MyModule\Loop;

use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\BaseLoop;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\LoopResult;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\LoopResultRow;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\ArraySearchLoopInterface;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Loop\Argument\ArgumentCollection;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Loop\Argument\Argument;

class MyLoop extends BaseLoop implements ArraySearchLoopInterface {

public $countable = true;
public $timestampable = false;
public $versionable = false;

public function getArgDefinitions()
// Always return an ArgumentCollection
return new ArgumentCollection(
Argument::createIntListTypeArgument('start', 0),
Argument::createIntListTypeArgument('stop', null, true)

public function buildArray()
$items = [];

// These magics methods will get the loop arguments "start" and "stop"
$start = $this->getStart();
$stop = $this->getStop();

// Get the data from where you want
for ( $i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i++) {
$items[] = [
'number' => $i,
'numberNext' => $i + 1

return $items;

public function parseResults(LoopResult $loopResult)
// "getResultDataCollection" return an iterator that contain the items given by "buildArray"
foreach ($loopResult->getResultDataCollection() as $item) {
// Create a new result
$loopResultRow = new LoopResultRow();

// Assign variable that will be accessible in smarty by $CURRENT_NUMBER for example
$loopResultRow->set("CURRENT_NUMBER", $item['number']);
$loopResultRow->set("NEXT_NUMBER", $item['numberNext']);

// Add the result to loop result list

return $loopResult;

Propel loop

If data in your loop comes directly from a model, use a Propel loop.
3 functions must be implemented :

  • getArgDefinitions to describe what arguments are available for your loop
  • buildModelCriteria who build a Propel query to execute
  • parseResults to assign data to smarty variables for each loop iteration
namespace Thelia\Core\Template\Loop;

use Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criteria;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\BaseLoop;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\LoopResult;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\LoopResultRow;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Element\PropelSearchLoopInterface;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Loop\Argument\Argument;
use Thelia\Core\Template\Loop\Argument\ArgumentCollection;
use Thelia\Model\Admin as AdminModel;
use Thelia\Model\AdminQuery;

class Admin extends BaseLoop implements PropelSearchLoopInterface
protected function getArgDefinitions()
// Always return an ArgumentCollection
return new ArgumentCollection(

public function buildModelCriteria()
$search = AdminQuery::create();

// This magic method will get the loop argument "id"
$id = $this->getId();
if (null !== $id) {
$search->filterById($id, Criteria::IN);

$profile = $this->getProfile();
if (null !== $profile) {
$search->filterByProfileId($profile, Criteria::IN);


// Don't execute the query, only return it
return $search;

public function parseResults(LoopResult $loopResult)
/** @var AdminModel $admin */
foreach ($loopResult->getResultDataCollection() as $admin) {
// Create a new result
$loopResultRow = new LoopResultRow($admin);

// Assign variable that will be accessible in smarty by $PROFILE for example
$loopResultRow->set('ID', $admin->getId())
->set('PROFILE', $admin->getProfileId())
->set('FIRSTNAME', $admin->getFirstname())
->set('LASTNAME', $admin->getLastname())
->set('LOGIN', $admin->getLogin())
->set('LOCALE', $admin->getLocale())
->set('EMAIL', $admin->getEmail())
$this->addOutputFields($loopResultRow, $admin);

// Add the result to loop result list

return $loopResult;

Argument types

In Argument class you have multiple static function that will help you to specify which argument is expected

functionargument accepted
createIntTypeArgument()Only an integer
createFloatTypeArgument()Only a float
createBooleanTypeArgument()Only a boolean
createBooleanOrBothTypeArgument()A boolean or "*" for both
createIntListTypeArgument()A list of integers separated by a comma
createAnyListTypeArgument()A list of anythings separated by a comma
createAlphaNumStringTypeArgument()An alpha numeric string
createAlphaNumStringListTypeArgument()A list of alpha numeric strings separated by a comma


Baseloop class declares 3 public properties you might overload in your new loop.

public $countable = true;
public $timestampable = false;

With these properties set to true, the loop will automatically render - or not - the following outputs :

if($countable === true)
  • LOOP_COUNT The current iteration number (start from 1)
  • LOOP_TOTAL Total of elements in current loop
if($timestampable === true) //available if your table is timestampable
  • CREATE_DATE Date of creation
  • UPDATE_DATE Date of last update