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Lang Substitution provides current lang in session. {lang attr="one_of_the_following"}


Attribute nameData returned
codeISO 639-1 Code
localeThe language locale code eg: fr_FR, en_US, ...
urlCustom URL for language
decimalsDecimal places
decimal_separatorThe separator for the decimal point
thousands_separatorThe thousands separator
date_formatThe date format. The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function. eg: d/m/Y
time_formatThe time format. The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function. eg: H:i:s
datetime_formatThe date time format. The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function. eg: d/m/y H:i:s
by_defaulttrue if the category is the default currency, false otherwise
createdAtThe date of creation formatted by Date time parameter
updatedAtThe date of last modification formatted by Date time parameter

Date Time optional parameters

outputTake date, datetime or time as value to select the return type
formatTake a PHP date format, the format for the current locale will be used if this parameter is empty