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Form definitions

To create a new form create a new class that extend BaseForm then implement the method buildForm to describe your form.

namespace Thelia\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\IntegerType;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;
use Thelia\Core\Translation\Translator;
use Thelia\Model\AddressQuery;
use Thelia\Model\ModuleQuery;
use Thelia\Module\BaseModule;

class OrderDeliveryForm extends BaseForm
protected function buildForm(): void
->add('delivery-address', IntegerType::class, [
'required' => true,
'constraints' => [
new Constraints\NotBlank(),
new Constraints\Callback(
[$this, 'verifyDeliveryAddress']
->add('delivery-module', IntegerType::class, [
'required' => true,
'constraints' => [
new Constraints\NotBlank(),
new Constraints\Callback(
[$this, 'verifyDeliveryModule']

public function verifyDeliveryAddress($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context): void
$address = AddressQuery::create()

if (null === $address) {
$context->addViolation(Translator::getInstance()->trans('Address ID not found'));

public function verifyDeliveryModule($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context): void
$module = ModuleQuery::create()
->filterActivatedByTypeAndId(BaseModule::DELIVERY_MODULE_TYPE, $value)

if (null === $module) {
$context->addViolation(Translator::getInstance()->trans('Delivery module ID not found'));
} elseif (!$module->isDeliveryModule()) {
sprintf(Translator::getInstance()->trans("delivery module %s is not a Thelia\Module\DeliveryModuleInterface"), $module->getCode())

For more information about field types you can refer to Symfony form type documentation

Usage in templates

To display the form in your template you will need the form name, it is the name of your module in lowercase + full namespace and the class of your form in snake_case. For example the form name for YourModule\Form\SomethingForm.php will be yourmodule_form_something_form It can be modified with the static function getName but we do not advise to do that, because it's more simple to guess a form name by reading is namespace than going in to the class and looking the method. It also guarantees a unique name for your form.

Call your form

First of all you have to call the form you need by using the form block :

    {form name="yourmodule_form_something_form"}

The form reference is now available in the $form variable.

Display it

    {form name="yourmodule_form_something_form"}
<form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form}>

Displaying a form field

Custom form field

For displaying a field, you have to use the {form_field} block, and put the name of the field you want to display in the “field” parameter :

{form name="thelia_form_order_delivery_form"}
<form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form} >
{form_hidden_fields form=$form}

{form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
<label>{intl l="{$label}"}</label>
<input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} />

{form_field form=$form field="delivery_options"}
<select name="{$name}">
{foreach $choices as $choice}
<option value="{$choice->value}">{$choice->label}</option>

Values available in the {form_field} block :

  • $name : field’s name used in the name part of your input
  • $value : default value to display
  • $data : the form definition data attribute
  • $type : the field type, as defined in the form definition (choice, radio, number, text, textarea, etc.)
  • $checked : the checked status (true / false) of a radio or checkbox field
  • $multiple : true if a select field may have multiple selected values
  • $disabled : true if the field is disabled, false otherwise
  • $read_only : true if the fiedl is read only, false otherwise
  • $max_length : the maximum length of the field
  • $required : true if the field is required, false otherwise
  • $label : label for this field, can be used in label html tag for example
  • $attr : all the attributes defined in your form class, can be any HTML attributes, such as an id, or any other attribute such as HTML5 form validation for example
  • $attr_list : the ‘attr’ array of form definition
  • $options : all the options available for this field. This variable is a PHP array.
  • $error : true if validation error has been detected on the field
  • $message : the error message, defined if $error is true, empty otherwise.
  • $choices : an array of available choices. $choices is available only if your field has defined choices.

Auto form field

To speed up writing form in templates Thelia provide a Smarty plugin render_form_field which automatically generates the field HTML code, and all the related code, such as formatting and error reporting.

{form name="thelia_form_order_delivery_form"}
<form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form} >
{form_hidden_fields form=$form}

{render_form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
{render_form_field form=$form field="delivery_options"}

Display errors

If your form contains some errors, it automatically displays the value already sent by the user and then can display a message for each fields containing errors. The {form_field_error} is used, and it works like the {form_field} block. You can call it outside the {form_field} block :

{form name="thelia_form_order_delivery_form"}
<form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form} >
{form_hidden_fields form=$form}

{form_field form=$form field="firstname"}
{form_error form=$form.firstname}

<label>{intl l="{$label}"}</label>
<input type="text" name="{$name}" value="{$value}" {$attr} />

Hidden fields

Thelia uses hidden fields internally. In order to display these fields (and all the hidden fields defined in your form), use the form_hidden_fields plugin.
Don’t forget this, as it contains the CRSF validation data :

{form name="thelia_form_order_delivery_form"}
<form method="post" action="{url path='your/target'}" {form_enctype form=$form} >
{form_hidden_fields form=$form}

Usage in controllers

Form are useful to validate data submitted by users. This is done by two functions in controllers :

  • createForm that create a form object
  • validateForm that validate form data

namespace Front\Controller;

class OrderController extends BaseFrontController
public function submitRoute()
$form = $this->createForm(OrderDeliveryForm::getName);

try {
$data = $this->validateForm($form)->getData();

// Do what you want with submitted data

} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Do something when the form is not valid